Saturday, March 7, 2009


Tadi on the way balik ke ampang, adam sat at the back seat of my car with his atok. Then we stop for traffic light. I was the co-pilot at that time. Abang was the one who drove the car. Suddenly, my father shouted and heard motorbike's sound so clear...nak tau apa??

Itu budak bertuah bukak pintu kereta and he was at the edge of the was *this* close for him to fall outside. My father terus grab dia and tutup pintu. Aku jerit kat abang, why didn't he locked the door properly, he did locked the door properly and it was that naughty little rascal , silently playing with the door lock. Diam-diam dia bukak lock tu, yesterday the door was child locked by me, but then it was me again (sigh..huh)who was unlocked the child lock. Haiya....

Seram sejuk aku, pucat dah muka lebam aku nih. Adam terperanjat aku jerit terus diam dok atas pangku atok dia. Just ikagine how was it if he fell down from the car. Could be worst if the car was moving...arghhh tak sanggup nak bayangkan.

Aku terus suruh abang ketepi. Aku child lock semua pintu dan dan tu gak. Tak nak nangis kemudian hari. Kang nyesal taik sejamban kang. Dah le anak aku tu special edition nakal dia, susah nak blend jadik camtu lagi..hahhaha...

So, korang-korang make sure semua pintu child lock yer..wira dulu dia tak leh nak bukak lock pintu tu sebab ketat. Yang swift ni lembut jek nak tolak lock pintu tu..nauzubillah, jauhkan perkara buruk terjadi kat family aku


noniey said...

huih..bahaya betul..tak sanggup nak imagine lebih2..nasib baik adam takde apa2.. laki aku pun sama, selalu lupa nak lock. kita bukannya tau kan apa yang nak jadi. anak2 kita plak tengah nak mencuba semua benda.. lepas ni kena lebih berhati2 lagi..

gEe Eunjo said...

ayyaz pun dh pndi bukak lock pintu..kite harus kene lebih brhati2..mmg umur cm gini..kemain lagi la...hyperaktifnye...even penat menjg anak..teman idok gk kuruih2..tensi tauuu