My friend passed away last 2 days. She died in a tragic car accident and she was the passenger and asleep at that time.
It's hard to believe that she wasn't here anymore. I haven't got time to keep in touch with her since last year, but recently (a month back) i was eager to find her facebook or fotopages or blog or anything related to her in the world wide web, padahal i got her number. Somehow i don't know what's in my mind, nak contact dia tapi nantilah nantilah...until monday morning, my friend called me and told me that she died because of accident.
Aku terkedu and did nothing. Dah dekat half an d hour baru start kol kawan-kawan lain.
She was very cheerful and happy go lucky. We became close when we were classmate and blockmate in university days...She was popular among girl friends of her RED bright socks and outmatching attire..and now she's gone...FOREVER..We used to makan sepinggan (or se-polisterin)and tido sekatil and sebantal..*sigh*
Dear Arwah Suraya Yahaya (1980 - 2009)
Sue, aku takkan lupa macam mana kita ketawa dan nangis sama-sama, balik KL naik bas, kena tinggal dengan bas, makan nasik lauk fish cake je..
Aku takkan pernah lupa bila kau berapa kali sesat nak pegi rumah aku tapi tetap usaha carik jalan sampai jumpa, i appreciate that..
Sue, aku takkan pernah lupakan kau walau dah bertahun kita tak jumpa...
Sue, aku doakan kau dicucuri rahmat sebaik-baik rahmat yang dikurniakan oleh Dia ke atas umatnya..
Al Fatihah untuk Arwah Suraya Yahaya.